Sunday, July 31, 2011

floating dock technology

floating dock

Floating Dock is a floating dock consisting of a pontoon, pontoon where the water in its tank can be removed and inserted as needed so it can sink or float in water as needed.

The workings of the floating dock is as follows:

Before sinking the floating dock will be known in advance laden ship that will dock and how many meters up the parts that stand out from the ship. Based on data obtained from the plan dock (dock plan) then the floating dock sunk by the divider valves are opened and water enters into the cavities or pontom tank, so the dock slowly down.Must be maintained so that conditions are even keel. If filled with water above the floating pontoon has been reached laden ships then with the help of tugboats will ship ngedok thrust into the floating dock in the condition of main engine and auxiliary engines should be turned off.

Subsequently held with the ship mooring ropes that serve to limit the room for the ship, making it easier to sit on the prop-prop that had been prepared. Once the ship began to enter into a floating dock and its position to achieve the desired conditions and ready to sit on his position. If you're having trim or rocking the boat, it must be sought to balance it by giving the water back, reduce, add or move it.After the ship's position is stable and proper position in accordance with the desired, then the dock float back slowly and held supervision, custody, and control of the position and the position of the ship. To check whether the ship's position is right after it made provisions to ensure that the dive boat actually sits right on the prop-prop (keel blocks and slide blocks).

die casting technology

This process uses the pressure in the entering molten metal into the mold cavity andallowed to freeze under pressure. Die casting is generally for non ferrous metals and alloys. Die usually made of hardened steel.

 The size and shape of objects very precisely
 rarely uses the process of finishing
 Good for mass production
 Waste material is low.

Disadvantage DIE CASTING
 Prices of machinery and expensive molds
 The shape of the workpiece is simple
 Work material must be immediately released
 Weight and size of product is limited
 Age mold decreases

Under the process, the die casting can be grouped into two types:
 Hot Chamber Die Casting
 Cold Chamber Die Casting

make mini FM transmitter

in this article we will discuss how to make a simple radio transmitter to transmit a distance of 400-500 meters. with power applied only 9 volts.

components needed:

C1 = 0.001uf
C2 = 5.6pf
C3, C4 = 10uF / 16V (ELCO)
C5 = 3-18pf (Adjustable Cap)
R1 = 270 Ohm 1/4W
R2, R5, R6 = 4.7K 1/4W
R3 = 10K 1/4W
R4 = 100K 1/4W
Q1, Q2 = 2N2222A (NPN Transistor) or 2N3904
L1, L2 = 5 Turn Air Core Coil
Electret microphone MIC =
9V Battery, PC Board, Wire For Antenna

for L1 and L2 using copper wire with a number of 5 turns.

The following schematics:

good luck

Saturday, July 30, 2011

mobile phone health effects

Today the use of mobile phone increased rapidly. In modern society, mobile phone has become a primary requirement. Though the use of mobile phone itself turned out to cause enough radiation is harmful to health. At mobile phone there is a transmitter that converts sounds into a continuous sinusoidal wave is then radiated out through the antenna and it fluctuates over the air waves. Wave RF (radio frequency) electromagnetic radiation is the cause.
Electromagnetic radiation consists of waves of electric and magnetic energy at the speed of light. All electromagnetic energy falls on the electromagnetic spectrum, which rangenya of ELF radiation (extremly low frequency) to X-rays and gamma rays. When people call, mobile phone placed near the head. In this position, the chance of radiation from mobile phone is absorbed by body tissues is very large. What is often debated now is how much radiation is harmful & if there is a long-term health effects?
Some institutions claimed that radiation from the use of mobile phone's harmless. And mobile phone's radiation, which is classified as RF waves, not quite dangerous. But that does not mean the possibility of side effects did not exist. RF radiation at high levels can damage body tissues. RF radiation has the ability to heat the body tissues such as microwave ovens heat food. And the radiation can damage body tissues, since our bodies are not equipped to anticipate the number of excess heat due to RF radiation. Other studies have shown non-ionizing radiation (including RF waves) cause long-term effects.
Here are some diseases and disorders that could potentially arise due to radiation mobile phone:
* Cancer* Brain tumors* Alzheimer's* Parkinson's* Fatigue (too tired)* Headache

Different studies produce different results. Some claimed mobile phone more radiation causes cancer and abnormalities. Some claimed that the radiation mobile phone is not related to cancer.Regardless of what is right or wrong of course we should need to be vigilant and anticipate.
Here are some suggestions to reduce the risk of radiation effects of mobile phone:
* Using a hand-free headset* Using the mobile phone antennanya as far as possible from our* Keep the antenna during use* Reduce the call using the mobile phone in the building* Using mobile phone in open space as often as possible* Reduce the use for children

Never again underestimated the risk of radiation mobile phone is because the consequences could be fatal for our organs. Flee from your mobile phone as much as possible when you're not wearing them.Do not be too often put the mobile phone near the kidneys, heart, and dikantung your pants because this can damage the kidneys, heart, and your reproductive system!
Do not put mobile phone's close to you when sleeping. Keep well as other electronic goods (radios, televisions, laptops) from where you sleep due to radiation from electronic goods can be harmful to your health in the long run. Existing radiation interfere with the hormone production by our bodies when we sleep.
In addition, large companies that manufacture mobile phone has also conducted tests to measure the radiation produced every mobile phone product. In America there is an agency that assesses whether each mobile phone product that is worthy to be marketed in the community, and a marketable is that radiation below a certain level.


java mobile phone advantages

in today's mobile world many diverse operating systems are created. each system hasadvantages and disadvantages of each. in this case we will discuss the Java operatingsystem.

although java according to some people is an ancient operating system, but java is stillhas advantages other than the operating system. perhaps in terms of appearance,application, and a cell phone using the java look ancient.

but Java has the advantage among the more sophisticated operating systems likeSymbian, Android, Windows Mobile and others. Java has the advantages that are notowned by other operating system that is resistant to virus attacks java. just look at otheroperating systems like Symbian are often attacked by viruses. other than that javarequires only little memory to operate. compared with other operating systems. java willbe used if it feels light in comparison with symbian or android. and Java support is always used on all operating systems.

but it reversed course there keungulan its negative side. supporting applications in javais not good in terms of look that seemed stiff. but we can maximize the java by addingapplications such as dictionaries, browsing, e-book and the others according to our needs. we can get it just by downloading on the Internet. I hope the article before you can become a reference.

alternative energy

we all know that energy is a basic requirement of every human being. no one who does not require energy. but with increasing number of people in the world, the more increase also the world's energy needs. but the number of energy sources in the world is inversely proportional to the level of very high energy requirements. energy sources more and more depleted because most of the world's energy resources are resources that can not be updated. of which is fossil fuels.

therefore we need to look for alternative energy as energy reserves in the future. but thatalternative energy must be environmentally sound and their availability for long enough.alternative energy are among the ocean waves.

You who live by the beach of course will always be watching how every day the surf is always "banging" the beach. Well wave power or wave is then used by humans to putsome tools such as "rafts" which continued in such a way that every time "through" the waves will move the hydraulic pump which then produce energy. This method is known as the method Cockerell. There are also other methods such as tube Masuda, Kayser,and buoys Salter, all of which is to "capture" wave power for utilized energy. Some countries that have used this type of energy sources are France, Russia, and Australia.