in today's mobile world many diverse operating systems are created. each system hasadvantages and disadvantages of each. in this case we will discuss the Java operatingsystem.
although java according to some people is an ancient operating system, but java is stillhas advantages other than the operating system. perhaps in terms of appearance,application, and a cell phone using the java look ancient.
but Java has the advantage among the more sophisticated operating systems likeSymbian, Android, Windows Mobile and others. Java has the advantages that are notowned by other operating system that is resistant to virus attacks java. just look at otheroperating systems like Symbian are often attacked by viruses. other than that javarequires only little memory to operate. compared with other operating systems. java willbe used if it feels light in comparison with symbian or android. and Java support is always used on all operating systems.
but it reversed course there keungulan its negative side. supporting applications in javais not good in terms of look that seemed stiff. but we can maximize the java by addingapplications such as dictionaries, browsing, e-book and the others according to our needs. we can get it just by downloading on the Internet. I hope the article before you can become a reference.
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